Peaceful Bettas Imbellis


Medium Fish
Nov 7, 2002
Sunny SD
So, i recently picked up a couple of betta imbellis...aka the peaceful bettas. Anybody have any experience with them? They are absolutely gorgeous.

Today i also tried to do a little experiment, had an already cycled tank and decided to put the two males together. There was a little bit of flaring and strikes at each other...a bit of fin damage, very minor. I had a net ready just incase they do anything too harmful to each other. Anywho, took 5 minutes and they seem fine right now. A little bit of flaring at each other which lasts but a few seconds when they cross each other in the tank and then each continues on its merry way. Gonna continue monitoring them every few minutes and will seperate them again if things get too roudy.

So, wut i am hoping to do next is see if i can introduce females into the mix. Hopefully these "peaceful" bettas can be kept with both sexes.

Any comments, suggesting, word of caution appreciated.

will try to see if i can get some pix of these beautiful guys on here later.


Large Fish
Aug 1, 2005
Bettas Imbellas are excellent fish. From what I know I thyink trhey can be together. I used to have a male imbellas with a female betta splenda and they were fine together.


Medium Fish
Nov 7, 2002
Sunny SD
update from the experiment. I've seperated the males again now. Though they didn't tear at each other's fins like splendens would, the weaker male definitely shows sign of heavy stress and is in constant hiding. I don't know how this would work had it been a male and a female together, will find out later when i have time to observe them so nobody gets hurt.

Conclusion: Though known as the "peaceful" betta, the imbellis are still territorial but just not quite as aggressive. The dominant male will constantly harrass any other males in the tank though these fishes will not fight to the death, like their close cousin the Betta Splendens. Because of their less aggressive behavior though, they seem to do very well in a comminuty tank with flowing water.