peacefull fish.


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
I just joined as I'm in desperate need to find peacefull fish! For about six months I have had the same six fish in my 29 gallon;
2 Mollies
2 Golden Gouramis
1 Pictus cat
1 Angel fish
They all get along well together (except the larger of the gouramis often chases the smaller, but its no big deal). I have recently tried to introduce new fish to the aquarium (it looks rather empty), only I have had to return them all. New fish will attack the old ones until death. Last week I bought chiclids and within one day they had killed my irridecent shark (even though they were smaller than it) that I had, had for months.
Can anyone suggest any fish that will get along with this bunch? I have tried various types of gourmais but the larger of my two goldens attacks them. A long time ago I had bala sharks with them, but I was hoping for something with brighter colors.
Thanks, Angelfish.

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Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I have often heard bad things about the golden gouramis being fin nippers and bullys. If your shoting for gourami, check out the dwarf gouramis. They get no bigger than about 2.5 - 3in, and are pretty peacefull. I have two in a 20 and they get along great with everyone.

A cichlids you might could try would be the Blue Ram. I have has execelent luck with mine, no killing, minimal fin nipping, always out and about with beutiful colors. He is in with an angel, Rainbow shark, and the two dwarf gourami's. As funny as it sounds , the Ram has formed what would seem a partnership with my angel and shark, as they are rarely seen not in the company of one another. I just love the little guys.

I would deffinatly take Soulfish's advice and check out the rainbowsifh and tetras. If you are looking for a very docile and colorful fish, check out the tetras. HTH


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Belfast, Northern Ireland
Were you going to buy a new tank for that irridecent shark for when it got bigger if it was still alive (just curios). Chiclids are one of the most aggressive type of fish as soulfish said. Please research what fish that you are going to buy because the bala shark and the id shark would have gotten way to big for a 29 gallon. Just trying to help you.


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Thankyou to all three of you. I'll definately look in to the rainbow fish. I'm also very interested in tetras, is there a specific kind to get? I have a pictus cat fish and read that they will eat some tetras.

To bobrob, if the sharks got too big they would go to my boyfriends 60 gal. Also would you not recomend getting another ID or bala sharks with my size tank?
Thanks =)


Large Fish
Feb 14, 2003
Buffalo Grove, IL
Visit site
Yes cichlids are aggressive. An ID shark can grow to about a foot long (over time of course, not in a year).

You might want to consider pairing up the angel. The gourami's could grow to a pretty healthy size, but that too takes a while. Enjoy them for the next few years. You'll have a larger tank anyway in a couple of years...happens to everyone.

Tetras are good...some barbs would work...just remember to get enough so they school and pick on each other and not the other fish. It sounds like you want a community tank. Find a reputable lfs and see what they might recommend.

Here are some safe alternatives to add more fish into your tank that will get along:

1. The rainbow one already suggested is a good one
2. Add 3 female Golden Gouramies. I suspect you have 2 males, adding even 4 females is a safe move. I have the Blue Gouramies that are just like the golden ones. The females have their top fin rounded and less long. It is easy to identify the females.
3. Pairng the Angel would be nice but it is tricky becasue you can't tell their sex. Two male angels fight a lot. You would need to purchase several angels and observe which ones form a couple (it is easy to observe becasue the two will chase the others out of where they are. The issue is what do you do with the angels that didn't pair?
4. Another alternative is to purchase 5 or 6 Giant Danios. They school are always moving and are very peaceful. When you feed, make sure the gouramies also get food because the Danios are fast. Do not mix Danios with the Dwarf Gourami because the Dwarf Gourami will go crazy watching the Danios that won't stop moving. The Golden Gouramies can be fast, specially at feeding time and they will ignore the danios.

Good luck

Note: I have a community tank with Blue Danios, Angels, and Golden Severums. I did add the Golden severums when they were a dollar size, so they grew up with the other fish and they never bother them. The Gold Severums do push everyone out of their way at feeding time. So I have to offer food to the other fish keeping the severums distracted. So far it has worked, but I can't depend on automatic feeder. is a good first source of info about fish compatibility and behaviour. You might want to give it a try. It has a function to provide fishes compatible with a specific fish profile. Go there click on the gold gourami profile and ask for a list of compatible fish. Then do the same with the other fish you have. Then narrow the list down. It is fun.
