Peacock cichlid info please :D

I have been trying to sell my convict fry and pair for sometime and i saw an ad from this guy who opened a new fish store and said that he will take the convict fry when they are 3'' and the pair along with the nic cichlid. He then asked me if i would want to breed fish for him and then give him the fry to sell. So of course i said YES and asked him what fish he has in mind. The first ones he wants me to breed are peacock cichlids(not sure which ones). I asked him what ones he has in mind so that i can start to get some info on them. The second fish he asked me to breed are severums :D :D So for now i am wondering if i can get some help on info. And the cool thing is that he will take the peacock fry for 4-8 dollars per fish. Thanks guys and gals!


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Well, if you're going to breed peacocks, you're going to only be able to have one species per tank. Female peacocks look very, very similar for basically all the species, and mixing more than one species in a tank will no doubt lead to hybrids. You certainly wouldn't be able to trust any fish that were born in such a tank. You'll need at least a 55gal tank for them.

Severums are going to need at least a 75gal tank for a pair. Depending on your pair, you may or may not be able to keep tankmates - depends on the aggressiveness of the individual fish.