Peacock Eel sickness?

Apr 6, 2004
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Hello Everyone,

I was wondering if anyone have advice for me. I've juse had my 2 peacock eels for about 2 weeks. Fairly small so they're harmless to the females bettas and tetra, pleco, and white clouds and danio. However I've never seen them eat. Well not till today, I fed it some tiny earthworm pieces. One ate it but the other one didn't. And whats wrong with him is that his both of his fins appear to be blood red. I think he scratched himself near a shell which he hid under. Its been acting strange and I think it might die. Unlike the other eel its been pretty much inactive, haven't been moving round much like the other one. Does anyone know of any illness for these eels? I really liked him and I dun want the other eel to be lonely.
