Looking for a couple of small additions to my 55 gallon community tank.
Saw Peacock gobies (Tateurndina ocellicauda) today at my LFS.
I understand that these guys don't like over-active tank mates (not a problem) and also like heavily planted tanks with caves/hiding places (also not a problem).
pH ~7.1 and moderate hardness.
Anyone see any reason why I shouldn't give them a go?
Am thinking of a single specimen or a pair. Are they easy to sex?
Thanks for any advice you can give.
PS They also had bumblebee gobies, but I understand that they like hard alkaline water.
Saw Peacock gobies (Tateurndina ocellicauda) today at my LFS.
I understand that these guys don't like over-active tank mates (not a problem) and also like heavily planted tanks with caves/hiding places (also not a problem).
pH ~7.1 and moderate hardness.
Anyone see any reason why I shouldn't give them a go?
Am thinking of a single specimen or a pair. Are they easy to sex?
Thanks for any advice you can give.
PS They also had bumblebee gobies, but I understand that they like hard alkaline water.