Pearl Gourami behavior


Large Fish
Jul 16, 2003
Aurora, IL
I've got 2 Pearl Gourami in my 75G tank (see my sig.) and they wont come out to play!

i placed all of that tanks inhabitants in last Satuday (just finished a fishless cycle) and everyone else seems pretty happy.

but the 2 Pearls wont stop hiding. they hide behind my filter tubes at the very top of the tank. they do this regardless of wether the lights are on or off.

they are eating normally and look pretty healthy, but other than the rare excursion to the middle of the tank, they hang at the top-rear of the tank.

none of the other fish seem to be bothering them at all either....

just wondering if you guys have had any similar expereinces with Pearls or have any suggestions.

I figure they're still getting adjusted, but 5-6 days seems pretty long to still be hiding out.


Jul 15, 2003
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When I added my 2 blue gouramis to my 29 gal, they were extremely skittish. They hid behind plants, decorations, filter, whatever they could find. None of my fish were bothering them either. I would see them out in the open, and as soon as I would walk up to the tank they would go hide. It took a couple of weeks, near as I can remember, for them to "get over it". I think your Pearls behaviour is typical, and given time they will adjust to their new home.


Medium Fish
May 20, 2003
Denver, CO.
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It seems when I add any new Tenants to the tank, my Pearl Gourami seems to hover at the top of the tank for afew days. Any other time he is very social.
For aboot a month after adding my Opaline Gourami he always swam and hid. He is alot more social now also.
I would have to echo KeepingTheBeat. Give them some time and see what happens.

Put some floating plants in. Gouramis feel way more comfortable with floating cover. Mine like to hang in the back just to relax but they do come out and swim around on food finding expeditions every few minutes. IME vals that have a lot of leaves floating on the top work really well. Floating water sprite is also a good option. I don't know if you knew all this or not but you didn't mention anything about floating stuff so I figured I'd add my piece. I apologize if this is obvious to you.