Pelvicachromis species I've recently acquired


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2004
Garland, TX
Visit site
The 'kribensis', Pelvicachromis pulcher, has always been an aquarium favorite and is fairly easy to find in almost any pet shop. There are, however, a large number of other Pelvicachromis species that aren't as commonly available.

I had the fortune of finding some nice examples of a couple of the 'other' species in a tank of 'mixed kribensis' at my favorite LFS and I thought I'd share some of the first pictures with you. Please pardon the quality of the P. subocellatus picture. There is quite a bit of algae on the front glass so the auto-focus of the camera is a bit off. Better pictures to come later.

Pelvicachromis taeniatus: this is a young male of this species and is not in full color as the picture was taken just a few minutes after his release into his new surroundings. He also has a little tear in his tail. get an idea of what the fish looks like.

Pelvicachromis subocellatus: this is a young pair. The male is the one with the blue anal fin. Again...pardon the picture quality.

I also picked up a pair of Pelvicachromis rubrolabiatus but they immediately ducked behind the decorations of the tank they are in and won't come out long enough for me to snap a picture.



Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
i had a nice breeding pair of taeniatus at one point....they took a VERY long time to breed for me though, it was kind of weird.

i had them alone in a 29 gallon and they took almost 3 months to settle in and breed for me.

beautiful fish bro!