My cousin said there was an acrylic aquarium store near the airport that was phenominal. Anyway, I have a ten that's probably borderline over-stocked, if not already (red-tailed shark, three albino cories, 5 serpae tetras and 5 dwarf frogs), and that's ultimately why I want the 20. My 30 has 4 rosey barbs, 5 gold rosey barbs, 4 white-skirt tetras, 3 giant danios, 3 emerald cories and a red-tailed shark, and like I said, I just won't have space for at least a year to do what I really want. I checked the RJ last week ... nothing. But, I'll continue scouring my resources. I plan on turning the ten'r into some kind of aquatic art piece, maybe with a betta or guppies or something. Suggestions?