Copper Does Kill snails
So we had bought some live plants and with that moss ball came about 200 badby snails in a tank with 1 Pleco, 3 Zebra daniels and 3 neon Tetras, we tried puffer fish first and that didnt do enough so the pet store advised a copper penny but also warned us it could kill the fish but its 50/50 chance. Well all the snails but 1 are now dead after 1 week and we lost the Neon Tetras, its a toss up if it was the penny or old age because they ere 7 months old in our house and no telling how old from the pet store but to lose 3 Neon Tetras back to back is no coincidence. However, the Zebrasa nd Pleco are just fine so now that only one snail is left we are removing the penny. But it DOES WORK. So lets sum it up 1 Copper Penny killed 199 snails (yes i counted them), and POSSIBLY 3 Neon Tetras in a Ten gallon tank. Left alive and healthy are 3 Zebra Daniels, an 1 Average Sized Plecostamus and 1 baby snail in a ten gallon aquarium with a real moss ball.