Peppered Cory is dead :(


Superstar Fish
well! This morning I came home from shopping and I noticed my favorite cory, the only peppered one, was floating at the surface :( I took him out and looked him over, because he had seemed healthy, and it looked to me that his belly was red and looked "popped open."

It was hard to tell for sure because it was still all slimy and stuff, so I put him in a paper towel, then looked at it later this afternoon. There is a distinct HOLE on the bottom of its stomach from where it appears he literally exploded. Anyone have any ideas about what may have happened to my little fishy? He was acting normally, and all of the other fish are fine too :(

Sooooo soooooo sad.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
oh I'm so sorry to hear that Leopardess :(

If he appeared healthy...then its pretty hard to say what could have happened to him. Are there any sharp objects in the tank that he could have run into? Could any of the other fish have done this to him?


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
bummer. I also lost a fish tonight. A dalmation molly I've raised from a fry. She was about 6 mos old and just kicked the bucket. I hate losing fish but I was also close to overcrowded so it's the way of the world. My condolences.


Superstar Fish
Apr 25, 2003
So Calif.
No idea...sorry for the loss.

not sure which was a worse way to go.
1) possible internal explosion with your Cory
2) one of my molly fry caving himself under the gravel while digging around
3) another molly fry getting sucked 1/ 2way into the intake of my HOB



Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
yo know what may have happened is too much ingestion of dry dry fish food takes on more water it expands.perhaps your cory was too greedy and ate too much food before it soaked up enough water.anyways i'm sorry for your loss.i have lost 4 elegans corys from starvation in the last two weeks.damn those neons!

Geez, maybe all of our fish are dying because we spell out their whole names! lol

Ok, gomer, both 2 and 3 sound pretty bad - I don't know which is worse!

Dana - that sticks, especially since you raised it from a teeny weeny little fishy baby :(

Mike - that's a good idea, although from what I have (ohhh HAD) seen, the little guy seemed to eat no more than the others, but you just may have it.....

prhelp - its aweful when you can't find the fishy - there is no closure on what happened to it. Like when your pet runs away and never comes back...sigh...

Well, I guess it's not just me huh? I'm gonna keep my eyes open for any exploding or imploding fish and let you guys know...


Medium Fish
Mar 24, 2003
Dallas Texas
I know how it feels. I lost both my peppered cories on Monday. I went to do a water change and took the hood off and there was one floating. I couldn't find the other, I figured he was hiding. But after I did the water change the other floated to the surface too. -Sigh- And those were my newest additions...