Peppermint Shrimp dissapeared

Jun 24, 2009
West Chester, Pa
Hello Everyone! I'm new, just signed up today. I've got a question for anyone who might be able to help me out...

My salt water tank (listed in my sig) that I've had for about 2.5 years now, just had 4 peppermint shrimp added to it to help control algea, detris, and misc clean up around the tank. For the first few days after I acclimated them, the shrimp would come out at night, but during the day stay in the coves of my live rock. After 4 or 5 days, they simply disappeared! The cover where all 4 where hiding together was empty. No exoskeletons, antenna, or anything could be seen or found anywhere in the tank. About a week later I came home from work and saw one scurrying along the front of the tank and got excited! After a few minutes he climbed a rock and was gone! The next day my girlfriend saw another shrimp poking its antenna out of a crevice, but then that one soon retreated as well.

I knew it was 2 different shrimp because of the antenna length, the first one was very short and the 2nd sighting they were very long. Could my live rock have a hollow section inside where they are living? Are they dead? I noticed my hawkfish would chase them whenever they got too close to him. Could he have scared them into hiding constantly?

Jun 24, 2009
West Chester, Pa
thanks for the response! I know one did shed, and hid for the first few days, but did come out before they all disappeared. I should have mentioned that I bought them memorial day, and they disappeared the following weekend, and the two emerged spuratically during that following week. Since then there have been zero signs.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
You didn't say what type of hawkfish but I'm pretty sure most of them eat shrimp. And since these were new additions to the tank, and he wasn't he thought they were lunch? Either that or they are just hiding hardcore from you and the other fish.