Peppermint Shrimp


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
My P. shrimp are doing a good job on my Aiptasia problem. I was killing about 10 to 15 or more everyweek and that number is down to about three a week, but, lol , in my overflow box ( this box is inside my tank with a piece of PVC pipe in the drain hole with an open end at the top of the pipe the water drains into and then down into my sump, you know the kind) anyway there are a bunch of Aiptasia in the over flow box. What I was thinking about doing is getting a piece of nylon screen covering the top of the PVC pipe and useing a nylon tie strap to hold it in place and then putting a P. shrimp or two in the overflow box. Good idea or a bad idea, or should I just forget about them?? The thing is, with the canopy on the tank it really would be a pain to keep tanking the canopy off to kill these things.

Jul 12, 2009
Just a quick question...

I have 3 aiptasia anemones growing on my live rock and I don't want them to spread at all... If I bought peppermint shrimp what else do they feed on? Corals, smaller inverts etc?

I have read about a concentrated lemon juice option. To inject 0.5 ml into the stem of aiptasia, would you think I should do this instead? As I have a scarce amount of them in my tank.

Jul 12, 2009
Joe's Juice.... Can you please elaborate on that... From my sick mind that only means one thing to me! I'm going to test the Lemon Juice trick out on the biggest one in a weeks time... I'll update with some pictures on how it went if you like!


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Joe's Juice is an aiptasia treatment but I am not sure you can get in in Britain. You could always try a paste of kalkwasser which is almost the same thing