PerenGee's 55g PLANTED


Large Fish
Sep 20, 2008
San Diego
Hey all, I figured I'd share my most recent addition...

Start: 04/11/2009
Lighting: 2wpg HO T5
CO2: DIY coming asap
Dosing: PPS-Pro
Substrate: Eco-Complete, play sand
Filter: Eheim 2217, 10g HOB to help seed the Eheim
Stock: 6 Amanos for now, looking for suggestions for stocking! I'd love to have a big school of rasboras but I'm afraid of having to catch and transport them if/when I have to move. But yeah, what would you put in there?

I suppose this is kind of a journal. The awesome thing is that the Rubin sword is the only plant in there that I had to pay for. Everything else was snagged from clippings from my friends' tanks. I still have a good amount of plants to add, mostly crypt and ferns. I'll post some more pics after this weekend.


Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I love the look so far. I had a tank with the sand on one side like you had for my beach. Yours looks even better.

I wonder if this should be in the planted tanks forum.

The shrimp are helpful. If you can get a hold of true siamese algae eaters they are truly amazing . But some stores dont get the right ones in. They either get false SAE or flying foxes.

I would also suggest a few rubber plecos or bristlenose pleco. They dont get too big. The rubbernose are my favorite.They do a great job also.

Some ottos are always a plus also.

Also on catching the fish, when moving you just drain almost all the water out and then catch the fish with just a few inches left.

Nice tank so far!


MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
I like it a lot. Once the left side fills in it will be absolutely stunning I think. My only constructive criticism, if I may, is that the drop from tall plants on the left to short plants in the middle is too much- I think a plant that will come in about halfway will ease the transition and make the tank flow a little more.


Large Fish
Sep 20, 2008
San Diego
Thanks for the kind words and suggestions everyone! I think I've just about given in and am planning on a school of rasbora espeii.

I like it a lot. Once the left side fills in it will be absolutely stunning I think. My only constructive criticism, if I may, is that the drop from tall plants on the left to short plants in the middle is too much- I think a plant that will come in about halfway will ease the transition and make the tank flow a little more.
Thanks! and yup, that's actually the plan. I'm going to fill in that space with java fern and crypt and some other swords. I plan on getting the majority of those plants this weekend and I'll post more pics afterwards. I've also thrown in some sunset hygro from a buddy's tank but I just planted it somewhere to keep it from floating. I'll be doing a more final scape on Monday I think...