I have a 10 gallon and am looking for a hood for it. The two main fluorscent fixtures seem to be the All-glass Deluxe fixture http://www.drsfostersmith.com/Product/Prod_Display.cfm?pcatid=13447&N=2004+113349
and the perfecto ones. Regarding the Perfecto fixtures, on petwarehouse.com its just called perfecto, but on petsmart they've got the Perfect-a-Lite things, don't know the difference. Whats the reputation of the two? Which one should i get?
and the perfecto ones. Regarding the Perfecto fixtures, on petwarehouse.com its just called perfecto, but on petsmart they've got the Perfect-a-Lite things, don't know the difference. Whats the reputation of the two? Which one should i get?