Ph and Hardness testers

e man

Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
How often should you be checking ph and hardness?  I've never done it, but after the misterious illness and unfortuneate death of two Bala's I think I'll start.  Any brands of tests or anything you'd suggest? *celebratesmiley*


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
 :p  I see no one responded to your post.  =Freshwater, 26 gal. tank, no fish yet, 3 sm. live plants=

Well, I've been using the Deluxe pH test kit which ran about $10 (by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals) but I'm not sure how effective it is.  The kit comes with a tester dropper & bottle and a pH up dropper as well as a pH down dropper .  We measure the pH, and based on the measurement (always high), we add the pH down dropper based on the number of gals.  Yet, nothing changes.  The next reading (anywhere from 10 mins to 10 hours later) reads the same as it did before.  Argh! >:(  I know we're supposed to be on top of acidity for the health and well-being of our fish, but  ???

Anyone have thoughts?

I use the MasterTestKit from AP (Aquarium Pharmaceuticals). It has everything you need except for nitrate (why IS that I wonder). Works well and is easy to use.

I rec not messing with pH altering products until you know your KH, and most times you don't need to.

A stable "incorrect" pH is far preferable to a bouncing pH that occasionally is "perfect".