You really don't need the Bio-Spira--plants do not acclimate to new water, they only acclimate to a new enviornment. After adding all of those plants, you will probably have taken care of your cycling problems due to excess ammonia and nitrite. Take daily readings of both and watch what happens! After about a week, you should be able to safely add fish; the bacteria will catch up quickly from here on out. Post your results!
Add as many plants as you can at first. If you have too many, you can always remove them later. Start the CO2, filter, and light cycle up immediately, but do not fertilize for a couple of weeks. Wait until the plants grow in and sprout new leaves. In 2-3 days, the water should be clean, and all you need to do is to coax those plants to settle in and grow!
I just set up a 20g a couple days ago, using flourite, plants, and a filter from another tank. I added fish the same day (6 neon rainbows, 3 baby clown loaches, 4 otocinclus, and 3 SAE's), and they are as happy as can be! I also have a 55 watt Coralife PC, but no CO2--yet. I need to get something going.