PH Level all screwy!!!!

Jul 19, 2009
I am new to this board and I am having a hard time trying to control my PH Level. No matter what i do it always reads 6.0 or lower. First I am using a PH test kit from API, But I have also brought a water sample to the pet store where I get my fish. I have a 40 gallon freshwater community tank. I have less than 40" of fish that I am allowedfor the size of my tank. I have used Nuetral Regulator made by Seachem and PH Increase from TopFin ans I have started to use it in moderation as to not shock the fish and the first dose turned the water pink. the second dose made the water turn orange.The most it goes up is 6.4 and returns to 6.0 by the next day. I am loosing fish every once in a while. I am not over feeding them. My ex is getting ready to tare down her tank and give me othe fish, but I dont want to put them in a tank that is like that. I bought the tank used with all of the gravel and Fluval filter.I`did cleaned it out thoroughly but with no cleaner. I do a 40% water change and clean with a Python so the gravel is clean. I have used the water conditioner and without it and there is no difference. The water from my tap is 7.4 and I test it 2 hours after I change the water and it reads 6.0 I also check it the next day and its the same. The guy at the petstore has been in business for 20 years and he is stumped. He thinks that its either the tank was cleaned with something or its the gravel that is causing this problem.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Did you read through both of these threads? They both have some really good info.

Generally as long as your pH is stable, we dont suggest trying to change it at all. Your fish are going to do better with a stable ph than with you trying to manipulate it.

The biggest thing that it sounds like you are going to need to do is age your water change water. You dont HAVE to, but as you've noticed, as it is aged it settles to its lower ph. If you want to rule out anything in the tank causing the changes, test some tap water, set a bowl out overnight and test again the next day (maybe with an airstone or something if you can). If the ph in the tap water behaves the same way...then you kind of just have to adapt your hobby to match what you have :) most of the common aquarium fish will be able to handle it just fine as long as it's stable.

Oh, and welcome to MFT :D

Jul 19, 2009
PH all screwy!!!

Ok I did what the guy at the pet store told me and I emptied the tank cleaned it with water and a razorblade then got rid of the fake plants, gravel. and all decorations. Refilled it with tap water and let it sit for 3 days tested the water and it was a 7.2 and it held there all weekend. the amonia and nitrites are in check as well. I didn't touch the filter at all. I put the fish back in and its been two days and everything looks good. I don't understand how it could have been the gravel. There wasn't that much crap at the bottom of the tank to warrant such a low ready of PH. I am reluctant to put gravel back in but the tank looks kinda blah now with just the bubble stone in. I am going to let it go for a while and keep testing all.