Ph levels

May 25, 2008
Columbus, OH
i have had my tank up and running now for about 6 days now and have been testing the water since and i cant seem to get my Ph level to rise. I have been holding fairly steady at 7.6. I did a 12% water change yesterday, and added some red sea success buffer but didn't affect it. Is this normal when starting a new reef tank? And is the live rock still giving off acidic material?

May 25, 2008
Columbus, OH
I'm using fiji live rock that was cured at the local aquarium store. I asked him if it was already cured and he said that they always cure it for at least a week before they put it out. I'm using tap water with water conditioner (i know its not the best but i refuse to buy a reverse osmosis machine $$), and yes i checked the ph level twice now since the water change with no results.

May 25, 2008
Columbus, OH
I did a few tests and found the tap water with conditioner and salt has a ph of 8.2. So i did another 12% water change, went out and bought a Ph riser. Now my Ph in the tank is about 8.2. Nitrite levels around .07. I didnt buy a ammonia test because i figured i would have a spike so why pay to see something you already know. I'm going to pick one up in the next week or 2.

My brother decided he wanted me to have a shrimp so he went out and bought a little banded coral shrimp. I tried to explain to him not to because i'm still in my cycling stages but he did anyway. He actually is doing well, and a cool little guy. I hope he makes it lol.