pH problem


Medium Fish
Apr 18, 2005
Mansfield, CT
When I started my 14g tank (about 7 weeks ago), I used Poland Spring (spring water). Then I switched to tap water (treated with API water conditioner). Now I have started using RO water for the past 2 weeks. The pH is low at 6.4 to 6.6. I add the pH buffer now and then, but is there a way to maintain pH more naturally?

I use gravel as my substrate. My concern is I'm planning to start a DIY CO2 supply this weekend. I was told that the CO2 will bring the pH down. Any suggestions on how to maintain the pH will be great. I'm not a big fan of adding chemicals in the tank.


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Just use regular tap water and don't mess with the Ph. The fish can adapt to a higher Ph that you will get from tap water as long as it doesn't keep changing, and it is much easier to maintain that Ph as well. The CO2 should drop it some too, but your best bet is to not mess with the Ph and just use normal tap water unless you have specific reason to want to keep a lower Ph.


Small Fish
Jan 27, 2008
I use RO right (on my RO water) and a little bit of baking soda. Adding enough baking soda will raise the PH but the real reason to add baking soda is to raise the KH - basicly locking in your PH.

Since your RO water wont change much chemistry wise (it will over time and with replacing filters), just figure out what it takes to get you from XX water to YY water and do it every time.

I'd figure out what your KH is (GH while your at it).