pH Question


Large Fish
May 26, 2003
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Every 5 days or so, my pH in the 55 gallon tank seems to drop massively. 5 days ago I set my pH at 7.0 and now it's down to 6.4. Is this normal for pH to drop that much that fast? Is 6.4 too low for the fish in that tank because they don't seem to mind? Can I leave it at 6.4? Because I'm going through buckets of these chemicals that alter pH. Does everyone here have to raise pH in a freshwater tank every few days or so? Any advice/comments? Thanks.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Advice: STOP fooling with the pH. Your fish will love you for it.

Comments: Yes, your fish will be fine with the lower ph. I assume thats your tapwater? What fish like the most (and one thing that keeps them healthy) is a stable ph. It sounds like your water may not be stable in other ways if your ph fluxuates so much...but one thing to start with is to stop trying to change it. If that 6.4 is natural that is a great ph for some fish...and difficult to achieve for some of us who have extremely hard alkaline water, maybe you should look into which fish really do well in low ph water? Neon tetras off the top of my head.

Opinion: The fewer chemicals you put into your tank, the healthier your fish are going to be.

tetra girl

Large Fish
Apr 30, 2003
New Zealand
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Whats your Gh and KH? having really soft water can mess with the pH as theres little or no buffering capacity which can cause you pH to crash. One way to test for this if you dont have a GH tester is to get get a bucket of your tap water and dechlorinate it and just leave it for a few days and then test your pH. If your pH drops heaps then you more then likely have very soft water and should look in to getting some crushed coral or something.