i have a 20 breeder and i have several ramshorns,trumpet snails, guppies and i bamboo shrimp. i have been fightin with the ph since i turned it into a breeder tank. i i have acid buffer to drop it but it doesnt work very well and i dont lkeusin chemicals. i have some drift wood in there and it dropped my ph down but now it seems to be kreepin back up. i do water changes and i clean the tqnk out i just dont get it. and i need to keep the ph down to sustain my snails they are very very sensitive to high ph. i also have anachris, moneywort and some bamboo. in the tank. the water that i transfer in there is 6.8 and its well water so its free of chlorine. please help me. i have posted several postsand havent had any luck so please help its greatly appreciated