Awesome tank! Where did you purchase your driftwood? What's growing on the driftwood? I would be worried about the ghost shrimp eating the neons. How long has your tank been set up?
Well, I first got the tank set up in September, but have been adding to it very slowly. I think I'm to the point where I might add maybe another water sprite, but I'm done adding plants. According to my LFS there is a lady in town trying to breed some panduras, if that works I'll get a pair from her otherwise I'll add a pair of cockatoos (probably). I think I'll add one or two cardinals and a rummynose to go with the shoal of neons too.
Thats the java moss growing on the driftwood. Its only been on there for about a month and was brown when purchased and is finally beginning to turn green. I actually got the driftwood at a garage sale. It was hanging on someone's wall for who knows how long. I cut it into a few pieces, soaked it in the bath tub for 2 days and then boiled it for 4 or 5 hours. It still stained the water for a few months after.
I'm not worried about the ghost shrimp eating the neons, the biggest ones are only about the size of the neons and don't have the speed or agility the fish do. I'm sure they could get away if they needed to, but I haven't seen them harass the tetras at all.