Phosphate Lesson


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Dual BRS GFO and Carbon Reactor - English

My LFS has something like this in stock except it only has one chamber. What I gathered from reading the box, you also have to buy a submersible pump to pump water thru the chamber. I am using Pura Phoslock in the tank right now, is this what I will want to buy to put in the chamber of the reactor or do I want something else. I know ya'll posted that this was an expensive product and by saying that I am guessing there is a cheaper alterative. Do I want to buy the one chambered one from the LFS or a two chambered one on line. do you run these things 24 7, someone said something at the LFS the other nite when I picked up my coral that you don't want to keep running these things when your phosphates reach zero, just want to make sure I am going to get myself in trouble. One more question, It has been suggested that I might think about putting another tank next to my sump and running a (will say this wrong) deep sand bed, they called it a RDSB, to help with my nitrates. Is this something that I might want to look into, just wondering how it works and the benefits of doing this.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
the best media IMO is rowaphos (it never leaches back into the tank) there are cheaper alternative but i prefer to stick with rowaphos because i know what to expect.... how much is your LFS charging you for the reactor? and yes i use a small powerhead to pump the water thru i think im using a maxi 600 or something just because thats what i had laying around... the reason the one you linked to has 2 chambers is so you can run carbon in the other one


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
on the remote DSB some will disagree but i totally dont thin its nessacery... if the price is close btween the dual chamber and the one at the LFS id go with the dual... BTW you can find the single ones for usually between $30-40


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I went to the LFS yesterday to get another bottle of Pura Phoslock, I took a reading two days ago at 0.25 and a reading yesterday and it was still at 0.25, so I picked up another bottle, a bigger one this time, maybe this one will get me down to 0.00. Had three other people come in the store while I was there who also bougth bottles of the Pura Phoslock. The LFS man advised me against the DSB, he said that he has seen a few people use this as a method of helping with the nitrates but said he hasn't seen where the results were worth the expense of setting one up. I also asked him about the man that was in the store the other nite that told me I should take the Pura Phoslock out of the tank as soon as my Phosphates hit zero. He told me that he heard the man tell me that, and said this man has been in the hobby for a long time and back in the day older products that worked like Pura Phoslock after a bit, would leach Phosphates back into your tank after they had consumed all the phosphates they could, the new products like Pura Phoslock won't do that. The reactor that the LFS had for sell was $50, but the man who sold me my Rose Annemone, bought it right before I got to the store, lol. The store owner said I really didn't need it at this time, said I could keep using the the Pura the same as I am doing right now, but that I could pick one up at a later date if I wanted. He did say though a reactor would use the media to its fullest compaired to the way I am doing it now. He said the way I am using it now that the media was kinda compressd in the bag and that I need to move the bag around from time to time to make sure all the media was used, which he said was sort of a pain but not really for me because I am always messing with the tank. Still haven't ordered my skimmer, I guess at my wifes request, I will wait till after X mas, lol. I told her it could be my Xmas present, she said I get my Xmas present every time I go to the LFS, lol.

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
marine depeot has the 2 little fishes phosban reactor for $33 and they also have the rowasphos for $25... all you would need besides that is any old powehead youve got laying around or possibly if your return pump is big enough you may be able to tap into that