phosphate testing


Large Fish
Mar 12, 2006
do i need to test the phosphate levels in a reef tank. I just have a standard marine lab with ph alk nitrate nitrite and ammonia.


Large Fish
Mar 12, 2006
phostphate isnt included in the kit
im going to add another question to this tread just for the sake of another thread.
I took my readings on the ph 8.2 alk 3.3 no2 .025 no3 either 50 or 250 idk which and ammonia
what do my readings need to be before i start adding lr and ls.

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Large Fish
Jun 4, 2006
north carolina asheville area
well before adding fish or coral/inverts whatever... they all have to be at zero. atleast thats what mine were an always have been. but i have a nano so i guess thats even more work to get there. anyway im not sure aabout lr though, i know it helps the cycle but not sure if its good for the initial cycle.
i added mine a week after i put in the water and sand, this gave me time to check salinity and make sure that it was right and get an idea of what kind of eveaporation rates i will see. also gave me perfect time to get all of the other stuff in order like light and filtration( i went all out and did a diy in tank surface skimmer/sump/water adding area) mabey some one else will be able to answer that for ya. as for the nitrate, there should be a huge difference between the 50 and 250, so i would try testing again, try to sample below the surface. im not sure if it makes a difference, but i hear it does in checking s.g. so i do it just incase. how long has the tank been going?


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2006
north carolina asheville area
retest... also what denomination. like is it in ppm or ppt . whats the units in which it mesures. but either one of those are wayyyy high. do u use tap or ro/di water? test the water before you mix it with anything see what u get. if you get anything get different water


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I don't get this - what's in this tank , kust water, or is there some ammonia or a rotting shrimp or whatever. Ammonia needs to be zero, and that nitrate is a problem, using tap water? Personally I justm ix up the water, heat it and leave it a couple days, then put the live rock in to do the cyccles as is required.

Most phosphate test kits are rubbish. The only one worth getting at a reasonable cost is the Deltec/Merck one, but it will hit you for 35 USD I think. Why do you want one?


Large Fish
Mar 12, 2006
just saltwater wayne. also i am going to take your advice and let it sit for a while and heat up. But i have a question about heating. How do you guys and girls keep your tanks at such a constant temp. I live in wisconsin and right now it is in the 80s and my room gets little air conditioning from my window air conditioner. I turned off my heater completely and have been using a fan to cool down my tank. But i still cant get it to stop fluctuating 6 degrees? How do you guys do it?

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
I am currently running my system (20g w/15g sump) in a room without A/C, I have a fan on the tank 24/7 (evaporative cooling) along with my two heaters. I leave the heaters on so I don't get a big dip in my temp at night when things cool off. My tank is pretty stead between 78-80 still hotter then I like but until I can get an A/C I will have to deal with it. Just be sure to do FW top-ups everyday!

I tried turning the heaters off once and woke up the next day to a tank that was at 80 and dropped to 73 over night. The tank was a little shocked but came back to normal within the next two days.

Oh and you need to add your LR once your tank water is at proper temp, salinity, Ph etc. if you just have SW in the tank their is nothing in there to start your cycle.

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