Photo of krib fry

Jun 28, 2003
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as i'm sure you all know i currently have a nice little spawn of krib fry, now aged about 5 weeks olds.
This is the first good (ish) photo i've been able to get, though it's still not the best.
The tank isn't looking its best at the moment so see past the slight mess *inspects photo closer and hurries off to remove that dead peice of vallis - damn vallis!*
So here they are, (especially for you Orion)....

I'm going to see if i can get a nice macro shot over the next few days so watch this space ->


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Both the male and female pair I have are very colorfull. If the fry turn out half as good looking as the parents, I'm going to be very pleased.

Any plans on selling some fry back to the LFS once large enough?

Jun 28, 2003
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that's half the plan. I'm going to advertise them locally first (maybe on ebay again), possibly in pairs if there are any i can sex, then what's left i'll distribute around all the LFS. But they've got a hell of alot of growing still to do!

Any ideas what you're doing with yours?


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
No clue. My wife seems bent on selling some fry on aquabid or ebay. I really hope she doesn't think that we are going to make lots of money of my fish. I don't have anything that rare except mabey my midnight julies (Julidochromis dickfeldi 'midngiht') I bought them in feb, paid $32 for 8, looked the other day on aquabid and 6 were going for over $70! So, I may see a small turnaround on them once they become breeding size and spawn. They do seem to be gaining popularity. Who knows. I'm not here for the money anyway.

I would rather help some of the people who can not find some of the species I have and only charge shipping. I hate it when someone cant progress in the hobby the way that they want due to budget constraints. ( this happens to me all the time )

The only thing the LFS here is interested in would be the kribs. She said that people around here would have no idea what to do with some of the Tanganyikan cichlids. But I think that the mulites and julies would really sell once they got big enough.

But basicly I breed for the fun of it, and the learning experince. Who knows, if I can ever convince my wife to do some water changes, I may make a good assistant out of her yet. :D (hey, I will need some help once I get my fish room)

EDIT: I was going to ask you something and see if your female does this as well. I have noticed that sometimes when I come close to the tank, the female will 'shiver'. She just startes to shake her whole body for just a second, then stops. I was wondering if this might not be a way for her to signal the fry, or perhaps the male that something is up. Or mabey I just have a fish with seizures? :rolleyes:

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Jun 28, 2003
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I agree with you about being in the hobby for the fun of it, i really enjoy watching them breed and grow. Any funds made out of selling any of my fry will undoubtable go back into buying various aquarium equipment.

lol about your wife not helping. I know the feeling, i have to do everything alone too, sometimes a second pair of hands would clean another tank in no time!

As for the female 'shivering', mine does that too. Sort of shakes momentarily then stops, then shakes again when i look in the tank. I think you're right about it being some sort of signal, though my fry dont take any notice of her any more!

As just stated the fry dont take much notice of the female now (they're 6 weeks old) and she's been looking a little stressed out recently. Could this be due to the fact that the fry are too much for her to handle now? I would remove her but i have no where to put her, if she goes in with the male and they spawn the rest of the community tank is at risk! Any ideas?!


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I think my fry are around 2 weeks younger than yours? Is that about right? Close anyway. Mine are loving feeding time, they really enjoy the flake I'm feeding. Like yours too, are starting to ignore both parents. eh, but what can you do.

I'm not sure what to say about the female being stressed. She very well could be that way tring to heard a group of diliquents around by herself. I know I probably would be. How do you feel about tring out the growout tank agian? Mine are eagerly accepting crushed flake food, and that makes me more confidant of moving them to there own tank. So thats one less problem to worry about, and probably the most important after making sure the water params are the same.

And I too would be a little worried about putting them in the community tank. Mine quickly took it over once the fry became free swimming, and I don't think the rams would like the intrusion in their teritory.

I don't know what else you could do other than reintroduce the male back into the tank with the female and fry. I'll think about that and if I come up with anything else I be sure to let you know.

Jun 28, 2003
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thanks orion, that's a big help.

I think i'll prepare the grow out tank for them over the next few days. Like yours mine are loving their morning and evening feeds, they're on crushed TetraPrima mixed with a little bit of crushed flake and crushed TetraPro crisps (basically everything i've got crushed into a mixture!) So i'm more confident to move them as they are taking the food so well.

I'll sleep on it tonight and work up the courage for the move (i'm such a pessimist, but i'm sure they wont all die!!!)

oh also, i wondered as yours are about 2 weeks younger what sort of size they are at, as mine seem a little small for their age, i have a couple of larger ones and some really small ones still too. (see sig for approx size of largest fry).


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I would say that I have several the size of the '---' in your sig, and actualy a few larger than that. Mine are in a very well established tank with lots of algae for grazing and other micro organisims Im sure. I would say that this has really helped the development of the fry in these younger stages.

Jun 28, 2003
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mine have had lots of algea too but it may just be the actual size of the tank. The size in my sig includes the two pointy arrows so they're really about this long -----. Though i did think they are a little small for their age, oh well, at leats they're still growing.