Pic of Male Double Red Apisto


Large Fish
Feb 29, 2004
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cichlid man, yes they are my cory cats. I have had 2 for over a year and a half and just picked up a third the other day at the LFS. They don't stock them often and I got the last one they had, its still a juvinile and is much smaller than the other two.

Their scientific name is Corydoras Arcuatus. I can tell you that my adult cory cats are mostly nocturnal and one is much more shy than the other. The juvinile is out much more durring the day than the other two.

Here is a site with some info on them: http://badmanstropicalfish.com/profiles/profile78.html


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Bizarre but true fact re: cories. Go to planetcatfish.com and look at the genus thumbnails for Corydoras, and look at C. arctuatus and C. narcissus. C narcissus is the 'long nosed' version of arctuatus. They are separate species , and do not/can not hybridise, but form shoals together in the wild. I believe the long nosed version is the less numerous of the two.

This long nosed/short nosed twin species deal shoaling together happens a lot apparently, and noone is sure why. I have anarticle by David Sands on it somewhere