Pick A Skimmer

Dec 9, 2005
i need help picking a skimmer and i wanted to know your guys' quotes on the skimmers you have.

Red Sea deluxe protein skimmer


Coral life 125 venturi skimmer


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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red sea prizm skimmers are often bashed like the seaclone, but some people like 'em.

I have a Coralife 3004 ( 220g ) and the design is pretty much like the 125, but bigger. Also, you wanna have the needle wheel...not the standard venturi. More bubbles on the same machine.
Those skimmers produce foam incredibly well BUT...they can overflow and drain your tank so tweaking is a good idea.
Anyways...if i had to choose a red sea ( prizm standard or deluxe ) or a Coralife, i would choose coralife. You just can't find so much power for so little cash

Dec 9, 2005
Yea i hear alot about the coral life and the needle wheel it seems the way to go. What do you mean it will drain your tank? Like literally? crazy. But yea seems like the coral life for me. unless someone else can convince me otherwise.
thanks alot guys


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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Well it means there's a red knob that let you ajust the water flow going into the skimmer...and this flow is climbing the inner tubing of the skimmer, and can easily get into the cup and fill it in minutes, even less. And once the cup is filled, well, it's a wet party on the floor.
There are more reliable skimmers, but like i said, this one is cheap..and the powerhead is a monster.
I know 2 guys who have the same skimmer as me IN A SUMP and 0 problems...also 0 nitrates.
Mine is on my tank, the sump is just too small for a 25.5" long skimmer that holds like 5 gallons

Oct 29, 2005
As far as the Coralife I have the 125G and still havent been able to get it work...it might just be me as a newbie but I just can't figure it out...that red know that controls the flow is VERY sensitive and well, I am currntly cycling my tank with it just cuz I cant figure it out...but dont let that scare you off...like you, I heard many great things about it so hopfully if I can figure it out it'll be worth...but just my 2 cents..


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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hey terminator..this skimmer will not be stable unless you really put it in stable water level..so if your tank is pierced, or if you have a sump with compartiments, it'll work well. A tank without sump + evaporation = you'll never have the same water level in the skimmer. BTW Coralife support isn't helping people having issues with their skimmers.

Anyways, i'll drill my new tank in like a week and take pics/movies of the skimmer in the sump

Nov 15, 2005
Port Dover Ontario
i have a seaclone 100 and everyone says it is junk what is wrong with it? it seems to be doin fine on a persons tank i know keeps it nice and clean and same with mine so far i dont get why if someone on this site everyone else agrees with them even if they dont know anything about them

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Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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what is wrong : it's cheap plastic, endings may leak, it's poorly designed, the air intake gets clogged easily, the sponge is useless, the water intake is too long, the bubbles can't easily reach the cup + you have to clean the skimmer often.
Also, it isn't powerful enough for a 100 gallons.
If you can manage to cut the inner tubing ( where the bubbles come from ) or change the water intake there's pretty much nothing you can do to have peace of mind.


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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I dont think it is worth argueing with Fishchaser...he/she will just have to learn the hard way, when everything in his tank starts dying or half of the water in his tank is on his floor, or a electrical fire has started due to the leak...then he will come back and want us to tell him what to do. People really do amaze me.


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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oh Aresgod i believe you too had a leak incident. BTW Fishchaser, IF...the skimmer leaks in some time ( mine didn't at first ), you can put some teflon..it worked for me and a friend.
Well since i got the same skimmer last year, and posted that i bought the incredible seaclone in this forum, i was feeling bad and tought it would be ok.
It's hard to take...to know you've been screwed by a LFS and lost a lot of money ( here it was 200$ last year for the seaclone !! ..not surprised the price dropped ).
Still the seaclone is a fun, pricey toy to watch not skimming...the vortex is cute ;-)


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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aresgod said:
I dont think it is worth argueing with Fishchaser...he/she will just have to learn the hard way, when everything in his tank starts dying or half of the water in his tank is on his floor, or a electrical fire has started due to the leak...then he will come back and want us to tell him what to do. People really do amaze me.
Amen- I think everyone with a Seaclone has experienced a leak/fire at some point

I just got an AquaC Remora for Christmas--it's about done "breaking in," and I can't wait to start dumping cups of skimmate

Dec 9, 2005
eeeeee.... you guys shot down the fishchaser quick. yea i've read reviews and heard alot of disheartening things about the seaclone. near a 100 bucks for a skimmer might as well spend a little bit more for something alot better. i'll trust the guys that have the corallife because they keep on insisting it's way better. and i'm pretty sure it's for no reason.

if you created a thread that said which fish net to pick. They would say it doesn't matter. but when it comes to skimmers it seems only logically that the mass majority would know.

the end with that.

What do you guys think about the CORALLIFE 125 SKIMMER on a 55gal? Overkill? and can you adjust it to a lower setting so it doesn't skim at top level so that the 125 CORALLIFE would be ok on a 55gal? Because i want the CORALLIFE but i'll have a 55gal tank.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Why don't you just wait it out for a second hand remora. I got a second hand schuran for the cost of a new 'cheapo' just by looking round the bulletein boards.

I hear you can get the coralifes to skim very well, but they can be fiddly to tune?