Pick of new Betta

Sep 2, 2006
I call him Shiggy, but my kids call him Beautiful. He is a very aggressive and active little fish. One of the reasons I picked him was because he was flaring at the Betta in the cup next to him at the LFS.

He has been in the tank since Friday. While taking pictures, I noticed that he is already building a bubble nest in the corner of the tank. I hope that is a good sign.

And here is a picture of the tank (10 gallon). I may put in a bottom feeder of some sort, it seems awefully empty with just the one fish in it.

Yes, my kids picked the rock and the ship. This tank is mostly for them. I want a more natural look for the 55 gallon that I will set up next month.

Comments are welcome!


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
You could easily add some other community fish to that tank with a betta. Maybe some white clouds, those are kid pleasers, they are fast and active and cute once they color up. Plus if they're in a group, they shouldn't bother or get bothered by the betta. Just make sure to cycle it first with just the betta in there. :)


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Cute betta :) I agree you could put some more fish in there, maybe something like a few corydoras or an apple snail and some harlequin rasboras? I personally wouldn't put white clouds in there, they like cooler temperatures than the betta and can be pretty pushy...esp since you've said that your betta seems to be on the aggressive side.

How is that jr heater doing with the temp in the tank? If I were you I'd probably look into getting a 25watt heater in there that is good quality, the type you click to the temperature. That little heater has a failsafe on it where if its been plugged in out of water it turns off permanently...so just a word to the wise be careful with it :)

Sep 2, 2006
Flipper is one attractive fish!

Now on to more mundane things.

I called my LFS and they don't have any white clouds. They say it could be up to two weeks before they have any more. But Wal-Mart has plenty. I was hoping to get some this weekend. The tank was cycled before adding the Betta, so why wait. Any special concerns with WMart fish?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
again, I'd look at some other fish besides white clouds for the reasons I stated above...

but as for WalMart fish, without turning this into yet another walmart bashing thread I will just say that many/most people will not buy fish from their local WalMart. You do not want to add fish to your tank from a system that is obviously not maintained (sick, dead, dying fish in the tanks), and you should be able to tell pretty quickly if your local WalMart is one of the good ones or like most of them that do not give a care about their fish. There ARE some Walmarts who have a competent person working in their fish department...but I haven't heard of many.

Sep 2, 2006
Froggy, I missed your earlier post.

I was thinking Cory's at first, but nobody had mentioned them. The guy at my LFS mentioned Serpae Tetras also. Any thoughts on those?

As for the Jr. heater, it seems to be doing OK for now. It is keeping the tank at a steady 74-76F. I will get a better heater for the tank, this one just happened to be what I had on hand and I didn't feel like getting something new right before moving. I started the cycle with a 5 gallon tank but decided to set up with the 10 gallon after seeing how much current the filter created in the smaller tank. I went ahead and finished the cycle in the 5 gallon tank, but when I moved, set up the ten with the filter and gravel from the 5. I just figured that the Betta would be happier with a bit less current as they are the type of fish that normally lives in pretty calm and stagnant waters.

I will probably get the new heater along with the fish this weekend.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I wouldn't suggest serpae tetras, they have a reputation for being pretty nippy and nippy + long betta fins = bad situation. Generally I like to suggest fish to go with Bettas that aren't 'confrontational', the ones that kind of keep to themselves or their own kind...like cories or ottos.

Yeah...another heater and a little warmer would be good...the Jr heater might be ok for summer but I know it gets cold up there in the winter ;) Need to keep those fishies warm! I'd get another submersible one too...much easier to deal with.