Pick some fish


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
What fish do people actually like - are they happy with the fish they have... some Q's...
How long have you had your fish? Would you ever consider swapping out all/most of your fish? I've had my 6 line and clarkii a few years now, but the 6 line is a real p.i.t.b. with it's relentless aggression to anything similar...

And, if you had say an empty 65 gallon what 3 or 4 fish would you put in it?

Are you happy with the fish you've got, or with hindsight would you have got something completely different?


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I've had my fish for about 6 months. I wouldn't swap them out, because they all get along great and there's not much else you can do with a 45g tall than a little community. The little angel is my favorite, and the neon goby is second since the exquisite fairy wrasse was suicidal and found a hole in the hood.

With an empty 65g, I'd get one of the other dwarf angels (probably flame or lemonpeel), an auriga (threadfin) butterfly, and maybe 2-3 fairy wrasses.

I'm happy with what I have. I had originally wanted a flame angel, but the little pygmy angel is just awesome. I wouldn't have ever picked out the firefish, but he is a neat little fish too. I like the little peaceful fish for small-medium size tanks.

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
wayne said:
What fish do people actually like - are they happy with the fish they have... some Q's...
1) How long have you had your fish? Approx. 8 months (Male Scooter blenny)

2) Would you ever consider swapping out all/most of your fish? NO

3) And, if you had say an empty 65 gallon what 3 or 4 fish would you put in it? None if it was empty... how would they survive without water *laughingc
On a serious note; I think I would get 1 Flame Hawkfish, 2 Helfrichi Firefish (Mated pair) and 1 Spotted Mandarin

4) Are you happy with the fish you've got, or with hindsight would you have got something completely different? Yes I am very happy with Scooter; a very interesting little guy to watch.

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Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
1) 18 months (Chromis, Bangaii Cardinal), and 3 years (Maroon Clown)

2) probably not...I am pretty pleased

3) Probably a dwarf angel of some sort and a blenny, not sure beyond that

4) I am satisfied with what i have. the maroon clowns aren't everything I had hoped for but that is kind of my fault (bought when i was brand new to reefkeeping, not a lot of knowledge). I had an eibli angel that i really liked...lost him in a freak power failure while i was out of town....have often considering getting another


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
24 month(blenny, goby, mandarin, clowns) 12 months(eibli angle).

2. most likely not

3. I would really like to add a hawk fish

4. I am pretty satisfied, Although this is just for the 40, in the 90 I take care of there have been some deaths do to preventable actions on other peoples part.

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
1)9 months+ (Juv. Blue faced Angel, Bi-Coloured Angel, Pather Grouper, Yellow Tang, Maroon Clown, Cleaner Wrasse, Chromis, Convict Goby)

2)Unless someone was replacing them with the very rare and exotic, no way.

3)If starting a new 65 gallon, my stocking list would probably be centered around a large choice Angel. Something not so well known or often kept. A 65 might be a bit small for anything other than a juvenile, but a French might be nice. I'd have to research. I'd like a Chevron Tang, or even a pair.

4)I regret making yellow my choice of tang. Nothing against the fish itself, other than everyone recognises them, and worse, some call them Bubbles. They do obviously give a good splash of colour to the tank, but it's perhaps a colour I didn't need, what with the yellow on my bi-colour and the yellow to come on my blueface. I also wouldn't miss my convict goby. Although it's cool when you do see him, those occasions are too few and far between.
Otherwise I am more than happy with the inhabitants I'm keeping in system with no liver rock.

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Added my fish uhh 7, 8 months ago. AS of now I have a Purple firefish, clarkii, and green clown goby. The goby I really dont care for but I got him cheap and he doesnt add much to the bioload. Purple firefish is nice to look at but isnt as active as I thought. Clarkii is really interesting, its got a personality and is all over the tank, and hangs out near his sebae anemone (its too small now to host him really, he can sit in it but not much else). Id swap the clown goby for most anything.

If I had that 65 Id do basically what Im doing in my 55 that I have lying around- the fish I have now getting put in plus coral beauty and kole tang, and some type of watchman goby, maybe a fairy wrasse. I figure once I get a stable home and better job Im going no smaller than 200 gallons for my tank.

Im satisfied. Love the clarkii, firefish is cool, but the clown goby is really nothing to me, I barely count it.

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ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
almost 5 months, not a fish but a mantis shrimp.

i would maybe have gotten something different. maybe some sexy shrimp or a spearer mantis(out in plain sight more)

and if i had an empty 65 gallon i would put a male peacock mantis shrimp in it.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
1) Well I had some rough experiences. Clowns got ich, cardinal was ill from store, and my Coral Beauty (favorite sw fish that Ive had) was healthy and enjoying life when he met an unfortunate with a power head

2) Empty Tank now planning on what I want

3) Naso Tang (until he needed a bigger tank), flame angel, 2 clowns, and maybe a foxface.

4) I would kill to have my Coral Beauty back and wouldnt want to trade him for anything.

I feel incompitent posting these answers but what the hell..


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
1) How long have you had your fish? True percula, almost a year now. Mandarin, nine months, I think.

2) Would you ever consider swapping out all/most of your fish? No. If the clown died, I would not get another, just keep corals and other inverts. If I lost the mandarin, I may try a target or spotted mandarin which eats brine at the LFS.

3) And, if you had say an empty 65 gallon what 3 or 4 fish would you put in it? Well, for salt, a 65 gallon, maybe a dwarf lionfish. I'm not really into saltwater fish other than mandarins and clowns. A larger lion would be cool but I don't know if it would be appropriate in anything under a 70 gallon or a wider tank. If not the lion, maybe a maroon clown and an anemone... not into tanks personally, through triggers are cool.

4) Are you happy with the fish you've got, or with hindsight would you have got something completely different?
Very happy with Spit the clown and the mandarin. Couldn't have picked or asked for better fish. Would be devastated if they died.