Picking up some fish-Question

Jul 31, 2010
I'll be stopping by Petsmart for the 10 for $10 sale, I'll be getting either Cherry Barbs, Zebra Danios, Rasboras and maybe Tiger Barbs if that's all they have.

Should I go for 5 and 5 equaling 10 of two different kinds of fish, or 10 of one kind? Since they're all schooling fish and all.
I'm leaning towards 10 of a single kind, hopefully Cherries.

Input appreciated!


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
I would do 10 rasbora but the answer really depends on what you have already and the tank you are going to put them in.

10 Tiger Barbs would be fun too. Active little fishy dudes they are.

Danios.....they make me dizzy.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
You could do 5 of one kind and 5 of another. Because they're schooling fish, they'd just school with their own kind...unless they're like my danios, white cloud minnows and gold barbs in my 46gal bowfront. Then they just all kind of hang out together. If you want more variety in your tank, got for the 5 and 5 option. I kind of wish I had room for another school in my 29gal 'cuz the seven tiger barbs that are in there have gotten, not boring really, but yeah. Variety is the spice of life, as they say.

Jul 31, 2010
I have a planted 55g w/ a cave and a few sticks to start waiting for fish, I'm only purchasing these 10 for now then eventually going to add Danios, Rasboras, possibly RTS and tigers (not sure because of their agression, I might not want to chance it.) Maybe a "center piece" fish if I don't get any tigers or RTS.
Seeing the Asian theme yet?


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
If you get your tigers small enough (I got mine at Petco...they were 3/4" long), they won't be as aggressive. In fact, my seven in my 29gal are afraid of everything, even one of my cories. I got them when they were 3/4" long and they were in with a 3" opaline gourami. The gourami definitely kept them in line.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
I'd start with the smaller fish - like the rasboras - and add the tigers, if you do them - last. Then everyone who's already in the tank will have established it as their territory and it will minimize the tigers' potential aggression. Just make sure, as bass states, to get them when they are small.
Tell us what you decide to get! Pics?