My school is making a magizine and selling the magizine for charity (25 cents) as i do a fish article and need pics any of the fish below (post them here PLEASE)
-2 Tinfoil barbs
-2 Ornate paintfish
-1 iradesent shark
-1 Upsidedown catfish
-1 Zebra dianos1 in
-2 Tri-color-sharks
-4 Candy tetras
-1 painted glassfish
-1 pleco
-1 Chinese alage eater
-1 albino corie
-2 Tinfoil barbs
-2 Ornate paintfish
-1 iradesent shark
-1 Upsidedown catfish
-1 Zebra dianos1 in
-2 Tri-color-sharks
-4 Candy tetras
-1 painted glassfish
-1 pleco
-1 Chinese alage eater
-1 albino corie