Pics of my 12 Bettas

By popular demand (of 2 people, 1 constantly pestering me (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!)) i am finally showing all 12 pictures of my bettas... my pictures are like crap style cause i dont have enough time to take good pictures of them. the bottom is dirty cause i always take my pictures when i wash up their tanks. the first 4 bettas are in very old pictures, the 2 after that are semi recent while the last 6 bettas are more recent and were taken in beanie baby cases so they are more brighter..if you want to see a different pictures of the same betta, tell me, i have millions (literally) pictures of them...i will post my pictures in the order of how i got them...i used to have 2 more bettas, but then they died, so now i have these 12. happy! oh and i DO name my bettas, if you have a problem with it then dont look at it!

1. This is Green Sunshine
