Pics of my angels

Nice angelfish, silver! *thumbsup2
Any spawning happening at the moment?

My other Half-Black pair is cleaning off a spot to lay there eggs and once they do im going to move the eggs into my 20gal and hatch them. The pearlscale pair are getting ready too. I actually sold the pearlscale pair on aquabid and they will be leaving my 75gal on saturday. Thanks for the comments everyone!!

Well the Pearlscale pair didn't leave today due to a BAD storm that came last night and will last till monday. I am going back to my dads house tomorrow and i already have to get pics of the halfblack pair for my school science project, so ill get some more pics and post them, maybe get some of the convict cichlids. Some are as big as the mom :eek:

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Wait, so you're saying that the 'New Girl' you mentioned in the first pic you posted in this thread is paired-up with the halfblack male in the pic just below her? And they're both in the 75 gal. tank (along with the pearlscale pair you would have sold were it not for the storm, right?)? And then you also have a halfblack pair in a 30 gal. tank---and their eggs will go into a 20 gal. to be raised?

Sorry...I don't mean to confuse things!
I just wanna make sure I've got it all figured out. :cool:

silver dollars said:
ill get some more pics and post them, maybe get some of the convict cichlids. Some are as big as the mom :eek:
Wow, and the offspring are still all in with the parents? How's that working out? I suppose you can tell us more once you get some con pics posted, eh? ;)


I have 1 pair per tank. The pearlscales are in the 75G, the P. Leopoldi and halfblack are in one of the 30G, and the halfblack pair is in the other 30G. Once the halfblack pair lays eggs on the rock ill be moving the eggs into the 20G and hatch them. Once that happens im going to do everything i can to sell ALL the convicts and then move the angel fry into the 55G.

Haha! Ill have to get a video of feeding time! :eek: Ill make a convict journal tomorrow and get some pics. The parents paired up again and layed eggs, and some of the males and females are pairing up. I think these guys are worse than my jewel cichlid fry! lol