Pics of Sumps?

May 9, 2005
Hi, I'm new to saltwater and am looking to set up a tank but I'm pretty confused about sumps. Could anybody show me any pics they have of their sumps please? Or if you know of a good website with sumps that would be awesome too.

Also, could you list like the number of pumps, pipes, etc that you used?

Thanks! :)



Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
my sump is very similar, however instead of drilling it and installing bulkheads i just put the in line into the sump and used an in sump pump. i could try to get a picture tonight but i don't know how well it will come out.

you should only need one pump in your sump. as far as how many pipes it depends on your setup. you will have to look at your stand, tank, and sump and figure out where things are going to go and then design the plumbing. also, something to remember is that you do not want to ise 90 degree elbows because the dramatically reduce water flow


Large Fish
Jun 8, 2003
check my site out (in my sig) click on the sump nav top right. thats my sump. its up and running now. 1 week. ill post more pics and stats soon. my tank is sty cycling thats why its a bit messy (plus im still learning to use my camera)

cheers aron.


Here is a picture of my sump I made. Although I would make it a little different if I made it again. I guess I would make it more like the third picture. Or buy it from them ( The real advantage of this way is you can pickup small tanks for little or nothing. Mine is a 40 gal breeder. One big advantage of the third picture is you could raise the media so it is not so close to the bottom of the tank. That way you could have more water in your sump. Having more water in your sump allows you to do a water change of more water. Basically I do my water change by using gravel vac. With more water in the sump I can do a good cleaning and not have to worry about my sump pump running out of water.( ofcourse if your overflow stops running you could have a bigger mess) the thought of all my sump water on my floor isn't a good one. By the look of the pictures I need to clean my sump.


Actually right now it is a freshwater system. I'am setting it up for going saltwater later on. When you start buying things one here and one there the wife doesn't know how much this is costing!!! I have already got a couple thousand in it and I still have to get a Skimmer, UV and more lights. But getting back to the question I will be putting the skimmer in my middle tank. That way it get some of the stuff out of the system before it gets to the filter and bio media. It is also a good way to make sure bubbles do not go into the return pump.

150 gal main upstairs
55 middle tank in basement
40 gal sump