Pics of the american flag fish


Large Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Grove, Oklahoma
Well, I can't get the little guys to sit still long enough to snap a really good photo, but these are the ones I came up with. The six lil guys still all stick together, or break off in groups of 3.

this pic def isn't so good, but they were playing in my powerhead stream


Large Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Grove, Oklahoma
Freshwater Jeff: Yes from what I've read up, they are a member of the killifish family, they are considered one of the easier killifish for a community begginner aquariust. I had a really hard time finding out any info on them, from what I've gathered, they come from florida, like slightly cooler water(around 75 fahrenheit) considered very hardy in terms of water conditions. They are an amazing algae eater, I picked them up to remove some hair algae, and they eat that and all the other stuff too(amazing cleaner fish)

Jefftaylor, that pic was taken north of north bay, in new liskeard. near New Engleheart. It's about a 6 hour drive if ya speed.