Pics of the New Fish & Tank


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
We went to the LFS yesterday and picked up some new fish and below is some pics of the tank and the new fish. Let me start with a message for Lorna, in case you didn't see my other post on your advice on the fish I was getting. I didn't see your post about the Chromis and the Wrasses until it was to late. Don't want you thinking I didn't take your advice, I would have, had I seen it before I went to the store. I didn't read the advice until this morning. I didn't get the wrasses yesterday, he didn't have them in the store and. I will have to special order them from him, but I think I will order them from either Vivid or Liveaquaria, I trust them more then I trust the vendor for the LFS, I know I will get great fish from the two online Vendors, not to sure about the LFS Vendor, the four wrasses that I want avarage about $70.00 each, not taking any chances. Ok, on to what I got. 5 Blue Chromis, 1 Bicolored Blenny who hasn't been seen since about an hour after being put in the tank, 4 spotted Cardinal Fish I really don't like these fish, but the wife does, gotta keep her happy, 1 Yellow Tang said I wasn't going to buy anymore Tangs, Oh well, 1 I think its called a Box Anthias (Female) she doesn't swim much kinda stays in one area just looking pretty. I was going to buy the male also, but he had just come in with a new shippment to the LFS and had been sitting at the airport all nite and not looking to good. Also on the list 1 Lawnmower Blenny and one Mandarin. I figure I would give the Mandrain another shot, if he dies this time, it won't be because of a lack of food, we have a ton of pods in the tank, the down side he hasn't been moving around much since being put in the tank, hope he makes it. I also got something I don't know to much about, its a snail, got 2 of them, its kinda oblong and is supposed to help keep the sand clean. One of them is pretty fast, an hour after putting them in the tank he had moved under the live rock some where. The other one is slower and I was able to watch him a good bit. He puts out this tube like thing on one end, I am guessing this is what he uses to eat with. I would have bought a couple more but 2 is all he had. Ok on with the pics, The first pic is my favorite These are the Recordias that the LFS owner picked up for me at the MACNA in Florida last week end. I am trying to get the to adhear to some live rock rubble.



Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I have been trying to do a bit of reasearch today on the two snails that I bought from the LFS. When I saw them at the store I asked the owner if they were fighting (sp) Conches, he said no that they were something else and gave me the scientific name, which I have forgotten. I went to several of the online stores today and the only snails that I could find that looked like them were Fighting Conches. If you look at the pics I have posted above, the fourth pic from the top has the snail in question. I am just wondering what it is :)