Pics! Tank converted to sand


Large Fish
Sep 5, 2007
Deptford, NJ
Just wanted to make a post regarding the conversion to sand I made approximately 1.5 weeks ago. What do you guys think? It's my first start with a new substrate, and I'm already loving the appearance of it. I'm still uncomfortable with cleaning as those questions haven't been answered yet, however I'll fumble around... that and when I have to stir it up due to gasses... ugh.



Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
It is light in color, and IME, it also compacts alot and is bad for anerobic pockets. I won't use play sand, but pool filter sand is a much nicer choice IMHO. Depending on the brand I guess, but the stuff I had got was darker and looked more natural, and the grains were larger and I didn't have to worry about anerobic pockets forming.

Your tank looks good punk! I think you'll enjoy sand.


Large Fish
Sep 5, 2007
Deptford, NJ
Thanks for the comments guys. I do see the pockets of gas forming around the outside of the tank against the glass, so I'm sure it's forming in the middle as well. I'm slightly concerned about this. How often should I stir it up, and would it be wise just to move something small / thin like a swizzle stick through the stand to break them up? Will it hurt my fish when I break them up?

I think overall it took me about 5-7 hours between cleaning the sand, putting it into the tank, filling that, letting things settle, and filling again. I rushed it a bit because I had my fish in a tote w/ heater + filter + bubble wand, and they still were not looking good at all. Cleaning, I filled a bucket 1/2 way with water, then filled it 1/2 way with sand. Swished it around, drained the water, put more water in, swished some more, drain, and repeat. I kept repeating with that batch of sand until the water coming out of the bucket was clean. I did it once more after that, then after dumping the sand into the tank, my girlfriend smoothed it over while I began another batch.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
No it won't hurt the fish when you stir it as long as there isn't a huge excess of it. The gas just escapes to the surface as quickly as possible.

I would probably do it every time you do a water change. I saw someone mention it somewhere else, but malaysian trumpet snails are cheap, don't harm a thing and will dig all though out the sand, helping breaking up the pockets before they get huge most of the time.