

Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
VirgoWolf said:
I want them... both of them. Nuf said. :p J/K I LOVE them though, those are honestly like jaw dropping gorgeous and did I mention I want them?! LOL
I second all of that! My goodness they are gorgeous! Seriously, when Blueberry's pic came up on the screen, I said "Ooooh my" I was awestruck! And Opal! Wow, words cannot describe! He's so pretty, i love the green! Gorgeous kids you got there, simply gorgeous. Sooo jealous! *SUPERSMIL

Thank you guys!! :D
Blueberry is my exact fav color. at the very very tip of his front fins are white. He loves that plant hes next to. he's always in it lol. And he wont any pellets but the hikari ones lol

Opal is just adjusting to her new home (the 3 gallon isnt filtered and you ca see sits between my huge pooh stuff animal LOL. He's looking so much better than he was when I brought him home though and he's eating more now :)

I got both at Petco (all petcos get shipments on Fridays and plant shipments on Tuesdays)


Small Fish
Mar 20, 2006
east coast
He is one good looking blue veiltail there you got there, very impressive blue veiltail. The color you have is really rare to find, looks like he is a royal blue with a possibility of HM genes in him since he has the deep rich color and black speck in his fins usually found in steel blue bettas or turquoise/ green bettas HM love to see a pic of him flaring that would be a sight. Again very impressive blue veiltail I have seen so far since my steel blue butterfly veiltail passed away, I have not yet seen another one like him around and a first for you blueberry veiltail.

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly

Wow nice catch*thumbsups

Blueberry is just so handsome and Opal is a cutie. Give him a week and I bet Opal's true colors will come in.:)

One time I saw a black Betta with green fins at petsmart he was quite pretty. One thing I love about these fish is the whole array of colors they come in.