Picture of Aries my new betta


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
PICTURES. He is almost the same blue as the gravel so he doesn't show up as much.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Jade71301/Jaspers friends/IM000046.jpg

Aries is a big hit, especially with my cat. It was sooooo cute this morning. My cat comes in my room and sees the tank next to my bedside and starts looking at. Then he decides he wants to see in the tank so starts bitting the cover lol. I open it so he can see in the tank, and even fed my fish at the same time and then closed the cover. My cat started bitting the cover again so i taped him lightly and told him to look in the front of the tank. He then lays down on the night table looking at the fish eating and swimming around for about a half hour, not even trying to catch or chase my fish. I think he just went back to look at my fish he is in my room lol. Aries now has a new friend lol.

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