No no, I don't have any pictures of my aquariums and yes I know there is a board for that. In fact, getting pictures of aquariums is exactly my problem. I tried with my relatively high quality non-digital camera a couple weeks ago and was disappointed at the results. About 3 out of every 4 were blurry beyond recognition. I took some pictures right up against the glass (or more specifically acrylic) which didn't work at all, none of those turned out recognisable. I took some from distance and those were all dark (regardless of the fact that I have 300 watts over a 60 gallon). When I used the flash all the fish freaked out and besides the pictures turned out looking all screwed up because the flash made the place look like a stadium (you know, multiple shadows). Anyway, I was looking at everyone's tanks on the post your pics board (there are some REALLY nice tanks there) and I want to know how everyone gets such good pictures. This post isn't all that urgent (unlike the post about my diseased fish farther down that no one will respond to!!!) but some help would be appreciated. Thanx again.