cool pics! my girlfriend is goin to visit her sister who has a frog she dont want and is givin it to me, do they just stay under the water all day? also i geuss the hood should be tataly covered so they dont jump out to right? what do you feed them? all these question!!?!? aaahhhh!!! anyways, got any help....thanks
Originally posted by c_paan cool pics! my girlfriend is goin to visit her sister who has a frog she dont want and is givin it to me, do they just stay under the water all day? also i geuss the hood should be tataly covered so they dont jump out to right? what do you feed them? all these question!!?!? aaahhhh!!! anyways, got any help....thanks
Yes, they stay in the water all the time, they can't live out of the water. You must have the cover closed or they will try and jump out. They scavenge the bottom for food, but mine finds the algae wafers I put in the tank for the pleco pretty tasty. Pretty cool to watch them eat, they jump at their food. Neat little critters.
wow! i like you ADF! tis nice! cute! my cousin has one! 2 of them, she is wondering how to sex them and im trying to help her, although i dont know either. i finally see the pictures!
I have a sand sunstrate, will this effect the frog at all? will it stir up the sand all the time? will cichilds attack it if I had it in my 55 gallon? im geussing so, kindofa stupid question, but just inquiring all the same!
the frog might dig in the sand. my frogs don't eat much but rather tend to pick up food that other fish cannot get that are in between rocks. he one smelled a single blood worm 1" down under my soft gravel. he dug in and ate it.
i am not certain if your cichildis would bother it. i know that large red tailed sharks that are fairly aggressive never bothered them. feed your afds with algee pucks, worms of any kind and beef heart. my grocer sells half a beef heart for $2. the frogs really like this. they can also be given dry food like FD blood worms. when they come to the top of the tank, they find it and eat it.
other than feeding, you don't need to do anything else for these guys. they are very easy to manage and don't bother plants or other fish.
nice looking cories you got there, not really a fan of adf though, o didnt notice the apart about the cichlids, yes the cichlids would eat them up, but if you could get a good deal they would make good feeders
i have three albino cory, and THAT is a very good pic! all of them are good actually ive been looking forever for an adf, but to no avail... they dont have them aroung here, but there are still a few lfs's left that i havent checked out.
Thanks for all the comments guys, the leopard cory sells for about $3-4 around here. I picked him up from Wal-Mart the other day and he was only about $3. He is very healthy as are the other fish that I have bought from Wal-Mart. I love the little ADF, he is a very cool little creature, right now he is molting so its fun to watch him peel his skin off!
wierd the fish are still alive if u got um at walmart i found over 20 dead fish in one tank and i came back the next day still there see thats why i dont buy anything from there but nice frog and fish