Pictus Cat Vs. Pl*co


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
southern Ohio
Hey gang,

Recently, my pictus cat has been beating up on my sailfin Pl*co.  What is the cause of this?  What can I do to persuade him to stop?  Ive just noticed it this week. Its always before I turn the tank lights on in the morning.  He goes back to his cave when the lights come on, and he stops.

Any Suggestions?


Sometimes fish get mature enogh that their personalities change. I just moved two loaches out of my main tank because they started beating up my smaller clown loaches during feeding time. If ya can't get along with the community, yer outta the tank!

I can't think of anything you could do but seperate these guys. More places to hide might be appropriate, but it sounds like they already have these. Sorry, don't have any other answers for you!