Pictus Cat


Large Fish
Dec 6, 2005
Coolville, Ohio
Unfortunately I have had a recent ich outbreak in my tank. The pictus cat has been the only one to die yet. I came home after school to add some medicine to the tank when I saw him dead at the bottom of the tank. . I am not going to describe what he looked like because it is too gruesome. The worst part is that it was my brothers fish. I am going to replace it as soon as the ich goes away, only with another kind of fish. I was getting rid of the pictus anyways so it could have been worse.

:( R.I.P. Pictus Cat :(


Large Fish
Feb 16, 2005
Gaithersburg, MD
I am sorry to hear that your pictus died. BTW to defend their case i would say that in spite of their weak ick immunity they are quite sturdy after you cured them. Also, at the beginning they might make you to hate them because of their spastic behavior but gradually they are winning your heart and you really sorry to see them go :(


Large Fish
Dec 6, 2005
Coolville, Ohio
Here is the story on how I got the Pictus. My brother bought him without my consent. :mad: Let alone do any research on it. :mad: He did not know that it would get fairly big and agressive. I came home from school and saw that he bought a new fish. I suspected that it would get large and agressive.
Then I learned I would have to get rid of it eventually. I don't really miss him that much, since he wasn't mine. I don't get attached to most of my fish, I am only attached to my gorami, plecos and cories. It was still sad to see him go though :(. After all he was in my tank for half a year. I guess I was kind of attached to him.

In the safty of the pictus o_O they are not ich carriers, they just have weak immunes to them and most likly if it got it and you didint see it when you first saw it, it was possably already in your water and the other fish where to strong to get attacked to roughly to it, my betta suffered from three boughts of ick and one of velvet, one stomach parasite, tail rot nine different times, amonia inbalance four times and the last one killed him called dropsy. Then I had my water for awhile in the tank with no fish and little white things slowly apeared and looked like ick attached to the surface of the gravil, showing that it is not the fish who brought it, but plain tap water o_O not a nice thing to think about the next time you go to sip water, but its true.

Poor pictus... I saw one of those before and they are remarkable medium size fish , rest in peace ...

One fish that is for sure a carrier of desease O_O IS MOLLIES!!! ^^; so if you plan to get another fishie, try your best not to get it. For they will just bring ick right back along with a million other parasites and organizums on their scales. Even pro owners let people know about that before they buy mollies cause they carry acids in their body that break out every time the water changes, giving out deseases from ick to Goldcloth depending on the fish,most of all they kill eachother off from Velvet Oo;!!!

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