Pictus Cat.


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
I have a 29 gal;
2 Mollies
2 Golden gouramis
1 Angel fish
1 Pictus cat
I have had these same fish for months (my tank appears pritty empty) and when trying to add new fish they do not get along. My Pictus cat is extrememly territorial and attacks the other fish if they swim by its cave. It also eats a lot, I'm talking 3-4 shrimp pellets a day so its getting larger all the time. It doesnt move around much, just likes to hide in a cave. I heared that if you add another pictus cat that they will swim around happily together a lot. Is this true? And if so will it apply to my particular territorial fish?
Thanks, Angelfish =)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
yea from just watching the ones at work that might be the case,but not nesicarly.most larger cats are loners and stake out territorys.i don't have a lot of experince with pictus cats but they are hugry fish just don't let it overfeed.once the tummy is full and round let it starve for a day or three and see if the buldge is gone.that will take care of any problems.just to warn you that pictus will grow too so a 29 gal. is kinda small