I have a modestly planted 37-gallon aquarium, with the flourite-type gravel recommended for planted tanks. I added a baby Pictus Catfish, and it immediately started spinning and thrashing, until it (tires?) and rests at the bottom. Whenever it gets up, it tries to swim, and starts swimming in tight spinning circles, carried over and around by the water current. It is clearly out of control of its body, but otherwise does not appear to be in duress. it 'flops and thrashes ' over to pieces of flake food which fell to the bottom, and eats them, so I know it is not going hungry.
Does anyone have any idea what is going on with the little guy?
By they way, I have also added 4 Tiger Barbs, and 4 baby Angels, and they are doing fine. No similar behavior noted.
Does anyone have any idea what is going on with the little guy?
By they way, I have also added 4 Tiger Barbs, and 4 baby Angels, and they are doing fine. No similar behavior noted.