Pink Danios?


Small Fish
Apr 8, 2004
Richmond, BC
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I went to a local fish stores today, trying to find cool fish I can add on my 20g. Four stores later, I was super surprised and excited to find some "pink zebra danios". Anyway, I was really confuse at first coz I saw them (there were maybe 10 or so) in a tank full of zebra and leopard danios. Initially I thought they were some kind of tetras but when I looked closely, thought "wow, they look like danios themselves!". I asked the guy who worked there and did confirm they were some kind of "hybrid". I asked if they were dyed?, and he said not at all. Not sure if I believe it though, but they look really pretty and I ended up buying 5 of them! lol :) I figured, I still like them even if they go back to their natural color! Anyway, is it an existing breed? anyone of you has had them or seen them even? (perhaps, its just me! lol) Oh and I have 3 siamese flying fox in with them toO! (hopefully it's a good mix, so far they all are getting along!)

Any info is much appreciated!

Arrrgghh.... trying to upload a photo but somehow the attachment button doesn't work, and that insert image photo won't upload my picture.... sorry... :(


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Are they the glofish danios? These are not dyed, but genetically altered and will retain the pink color (and continue to pass it on if bred). They are the typical zebra danio with only the only difference being the color. Most of the zebra-esque danios will school together, so you could add leopards, regular zebras, or the various other color of glofish danios to the school as well.


Small Fish
Apr 8, 2004
Richmond, BC
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I did ask the guy if it was "GMO" but he really wasn't sure... I shoulda just turned around and done some research, but I got super excited and just purchased them! I have a feeling you may be right! Ah well, they seem happy and healthy swimming around my tank, just a little let down that I gotten something genetically altered! The most thing I try to avoid! (anything GMO)

Thank you for the response. :)


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Genetically modified is better than being painted (usually injected with colors that will eventually fade away) / dyed (usually dipped in various chemicals to achieve).