Pl*co and Betta


Medium Fish
Aug 7, 2003
Near My Coffee!
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Do Pl*co's and Betta's get along? My problem is I had a Pl*co in with the Oscar and well the Oscar kept eating his algae wafers! So Hoover decided he wasn't going to allow this anymore and went after the Oscar. The Pl*co won that fight as the Oscar has a gash in the top of his head! So I moved Hoover back to the 30 gal but I have a smaller Pl*co in there as well. I am wondering if I can put the small one in the 5 gal hex with my male Betta? I have a horrible algae problem in the 5 gal and obviously the algae removal tablets are not worth a darn as they are not working.

Can I move the Pl*co in with the Betta?
If so will the algae removal in the water hurt the Pl*co?
Hoover is about 3 1/2 inches long and Slate is about 2 inches long.
The other issue is I think I have a male and female Pl*co so all of my other fish are mating like mad and I don't need anymore babies!!!


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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A quick solution... remove the betta (icecream pail is fine with holes in top lid so betta don't jump out), do a full water change and clean all the algea off, then but betta back in!

Use R.O. water, no more algea problem. Add vitamins to betta food to compensate for more 'sanitized' water source.

Use tap water, reduce light source (downgrade to keep it off more) & get a couple otto cat's, they are better suited for that size of tank than a Pl*co.

A Pl*co is just way to big for a 5gal, maybe not right away, but they grow pretty fast. The betta will not care if the Pl*co says down, but bettas like space and do not like company, and get more grumpy with age.