Placing an order


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I was fixing to place an order for the Kents super Buffer that ya"ll told me I should get and figured I would ask if theres any thing else I might need to order, stuff like Trace Elements, marine snow, Phytoplankton, Food for filter feeders, and other stuff that I might not be thinking about. What should be on this order?


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
You don't need to add any supplements as your water changes will replenish any trace minerals etc. Until you have a well populated tank you will probably not have sufficient calcium demand either though some people do supplement ca to induce coraline algae, though my take is that it will grow on its own and that if you are supplementing ca you need to also monitor your alk and magnesium as these three play in balance......I am also a strong believer that you shouldn't add anything you don't test iodine and strontium etc. these are in your salt mix in sufficient quantity to keep your water in balance. Marine snow and phytoplankton are good if you have a plethora of filter feeders which you don't so no, don't buy any of that stuff. You should be able to pick up Kent's superdkh buffer at your local lfs no? if not and you need to order it online at pa or say dr. foster and smith look and see if there is anything else you need such as test kits.......especially to begin testing your own water.... :) good luck! sounds like you are well on your way