Planning a 50g Gourami Biotope!


Small Fish
May 17, 2006
OK, I have 2 empty 50(ish) gallon fish tanks. This week, my roommate and I will build stands for them, and this summer we're going to build lights, and possibly filters for them. I've been keeping fish for about 4 years now, and have had the same paradisefish for 2 of those years (he was from my first paradise spawn, unfortunately I didn't know to remove the parents, and he killed the female and died of stress shortly thereafter). I really love my paradisefish, and the personalities of most anabantoids, so I'd like to set up two biotopes with these tanks, one for gouramis, and one for paradisefish. I've created two threads to discuss each of these ideas.

First off, I'm not certain that the tanks are actually 50 gallons, I was told they were upon purchasing them, but they weigh significantly more than my 55. I can't decide if that's because the glass is thicker, or if they are actually larger than the 55 and carry more gravel. When using a volume calculator, should I be measuring the inside or outside of the tank?

Anyways, these are stocking ideas for one of them. I have already heard one person's thoughts (and I respect them, but I'd like to hear other opinions.)

1 Moonlight Gourami
1 Pearl Gourami
10 Tiger barbs
4 Honey Gouramis
4 Croaking Gouramis
6 Sparkling Gouramis

This tank will be densely planted, and I will try to arrange for "caves" for all of the gouramis so they won't feel too cramped or threatened by each other.

I've heard conflicting reports about Tiger barbs- some people say 6+ tiger barbs will leave other fish alone, but I've been informed that no matter how large the group, they will still molest fish with longer fins. Will the tiger barbs be a problem and molest the gouramis? Or will the school be large enough to prevent most molestation?

Is this tank overstocked? (Looking at the list on paper, it didn't seem like so much, but looking at it on a monitor, it seems like a lot.)

Will the smaller gouramis be intimidated by the larger gouramis? I intend to have caves small enough that ONLY the smallest gouramis can fit into them, in addition to (hopefully) some large driftwood to create a shady spot for the moonlight to call home.*

Idea #2:
1 Moonlight Gourami
10 Tiger Barbs
8 Rosy Barbs
6 Kuhli Loaches

Same questions as before.

*If nobody knows about the smaller gouramis reaction to the larger gouramis and barbs, I will probably go ahead and purchase the smaller gouramis. It will be at least another month before we get the tanks set up and cycled. I currently have TWO twenty gallon tanks FULLY cycled and EMPTY. I have one 15 gallon tank which is uncycled, but ready to be set up any day now. If the smaller gouramis are uncomfortable, I will simply move them to these tanks.

Thank you for your input!