planning ahead


Large Fish
Oct 16, 2006
i was thinking of buying a big tank in a year or two such as a 55- 75 - 100 gal tank.I was wodnering would these fish *ones i like below *be good tank mates with each other?

here's my list of fish i'm starting to really like and thinking of wanting to buy in the next year or two.
Rank is from ones i really want #1 meaning really wanna get someday to #7 i guess i could live without for a while ones.

Gourami's(not to be put with betta's) 1
Angel fish 2
Tiger barbs/green barbs 4
Swordtails 6
pelco's 3
Betta's(same with the gourami statement) *not rated*
Discus 5
Killifish 7

i was wondering are any of these fish good tank mates and how many of each type would be best depending on tank size.

i'm sorry for asking but if i ever want buy any of these i wanna be up to date on researching their every needs.Also i tried typeing tankmates for each one online but i got mixed results ;_; so i come to you guys my only choice that i trust that is left that i haven't tried yet.

Nov 14, 2006
Fishers, IN
I think some of these may need different water parameters - I known the discus need crystal clear completely clean water. The tiger barbs may chase the swordtails - but if you keep the barbs in a big enough group it should be okay. Angels can be aggressive so they may go after the smaller fish - ie killifish. Just a few thoughts, alot depends on the fish itself!


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
IMO, angels and gouramis don't really get along well with eachother. In addition, many gouramis don't do well with other gouramis, they're not schooling fish. However, pearl gouramis seem to do well in a group.

If you're thinking of discus, it's really discus or a community tank. They need to be in a discus-only tank, with perhaps a few well thought out tankmates (cardinal tetras, cories, ancistrus plecos).

Bettas are not community fish either. They will be better off in their individual tanks.

Killis are another hit-or-miss community fish. They have particular needs to do well, and do a lot better in a species-only environment.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Snowy Upstate New York
Tiger Barbs don't mix well with gouramis or angels, they'll tend to nip at their fins.

I'll disagree with Lotus's comments about Bettas not doing well in community tanks... There are certainly tanks they would do poorly in, but one of my favorite betta experiences was keeping a male betta in a 45 with a school of neons, some hatchets, and a handful of ottos.

My favorite setup for tanks of that size is to have one or two large fish (probably gouramis in your case), then add a couple schools of a small, colorful tetra (I'd reccomend cardinals... colorful, and fairly hardy), with some sort of fish to add some activity to the bottom (could be ottos, cories, a pl*co, etc...).


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
like said discus are not really community fish, but i personally keep mine with platies and corys. they seem to have actually opened up a lot more because of them. i wouldnt put angels or gouramis with discus. smaller fish might be ok, but they may also scare them. discus are skittish. also thier expensive, need contsant attention to thier tank and what not.

id try a community with an angel, just one unless your prepared to seperate them when they begin to fight/breed because they are very aggressive


Large Fish
Oct 16, 2006
O.k, one thing Are betta's and tiger barb's compatible?
Oh and Lotus i agree with you somewhat,but it depends on the fish.

The tank i'm going for is a colorful*non guppy* tank with a few semi agressive fish if possible,or even a group of female bettas with a few other fish.

Side note: I was planning if i get angel's to buy a proven already bred pair at my lps. for $25.00 or the large angel's for $10.00 or one very small angel fish for $2.50.

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